Note: Until these pages are more fleshed out, see WikiTI:Ports By Name for the appropriate information.
Table of Contents
Here's a list of hardware ports and other related information concerning the ports. Note that the ports are addressed in hexadecimal. Some have common names, and some have no known use/do not exist at all.
Ports 00-0F
- Port 00: Link
- Port 01: Keyboard
- Port 02: Status Port
- Port 03: Interrupt Mask
- Port 04: Memory Map / Interrupt
- Port 05: RAM Page(SE) - Port 16 Config/Link Assist (83+)
- Port 06: Memory Page A
- Port 07: Memory Page B
- Port 08: Link Assist Enable
- Port 09: Link Assist Status
- Port 0A: Link assist Input Buffer
- Port 0B: CPU Speed 2 Signaling Rate
- Port 0C: CPU Speed 3 Signaling Rate
- Port 0D: Link Assist Output Buffer
- Port 0E: MemA High Flash Address
- Port 0F: MemB High Flash Address
Ports 10-1F
- Port 10: LCD Command/Status Port
- Port 11: LCD Data
- Port 12: LCD Command Mirror
- Port 13: LCD Data Mirror
- Port 14: Flash Control
- Port 15: ASIC Version
- Port 16: Flash Page Exclusion
- Port 17: SE Only, this always reads 0, and writing to it produces no apparent effect. It's a bit suspicious, because all the ports before it and after it have a purpose. - WikiTI
- Port 18-1F: MD5 Calculation
Ports 20-2F
TI-83+SE up only. For TI-83+, functions like 00-07.
- Port 20: CPU Speed Port
- Port 21: Hardware Type
- Port 22: Flash Lower Limit
- Port 23: Flash Upper Limit
- Port 24: Flash Execution Limits High Bit
- Port 25: RAM Execution Lower Limit
- Port 26: RAM Execution Upper Limit
- Port 27: Block Memory Mapping $C000
- Port 28: Block Memory Mapping 8000h
- Port 29: LCD Delay (6 MHz)
- Port 2A: LCD Delay(15 MHz)
- Port 2B: LCD Delay(15 MHz)(02)
- Port 2C: LCD Delay(15 MHz)(03)
- Port 2D: 32768Hz Crystal Control
- Port 2E: Memory Access Delay
- Port 2F: LCD Wait Delay
Ports 30-3F
TI-83+SE up only. For TI-83+, functions like 00-07.
- Port 30-38: Timers
- Port 38: Unknown
- Port 39: GPIO Configuration
- Port 3A: GPIO Read/Write
- Port 3B: Very like does nothing. - WikiTI
- Port 3C: On DrDnar's TI-84+CSE, these read 78, yet on a TI-84+SE with the TA3 ASIC, they read 00. - WikiTI
- Port 3D: Like 3C
- Port 3E: Like 3C
- Port 3F: Like 3C
Ports 40-4F
TI-83+SE up only. For TI-83+, functions like 00-07.
- Port 40: Clock Control
- Port 41-44: Clock Set
- Port 45-48: Clock Read
- Port 49: Unknown
- Port 4A: D-Control
- Port 4B: Unknown
- Port 4C: USB Controller Status
- Port 4D: USB Line State
- Port 4E: Unknown
- Port 4F: Unknown
Ports 50-5F
TI-84+ up only. For TI-83+, functions like 00-07. TI-83+SE has no effect.
- Port 50: Unknown
- Port 51: Unknown
- Port 52: Unknown
- Port 53: Unknown
- Port 54: USB Controller Control
- Port 55: USB Interrupt State
- Port 56: USB Line Events
- Port 57: USB Line Event Mask
- Port 58: Unknown
- Port 59: Unknown
- Port 5A: USB Presentation Link Port Mirroring Enable
- Port 5B: USB Protocol Interrupt Enable
- Port 5C: Unknown
- Port 5D: Unknown
- Port 5E: Unknown
- Port 5F: Unknown
Ports 60-7F
- These are mirrors of ports 40-5F. They function the same as ports 40-5F.
Ports 80-8F
TI-84+/TI-84+SE only. On TI-83+, they function the same as 00-07. On TI-83, they have no effect.
- Port 80: USB Device Address
- Port 81: Unknown
- Port 82: USB Write Pipe-Events
- Port 83: USB Write Pipe-Events (cont.)
- Port 84: USB Read Pipe-Events
- Port 85: USB Read Pipe-Events (cont.)
- Port 86: USB Miscellaneous Events
- Port 87: USB Output-Enabled Pipes
- Port 88: USB Output-Enabled Pipes (cont.)
- Port 89: USB Input-Enabled Pipes
- Port 8A: USB Input-Enabled Pipes (cont.)
- Port 8B: USB Events Mask
- Port 8C-8D: USB Frame Counter
- Port 8E: USB Pipe Number
- Port 8F: VBus Control
Ports 90-9F
TI-84+/TI-84+SE only. On TI-83+, they function the same as 00-07. On TI-83, they have no effect.
- Port 90: USB Write Packet Size
- Port 91: USB Write Command/Status
- Port 92: Unknown
- Port 93: USB Read Packet Size
- Port 94: Unknown
- Port 95: Unknown
- Port 96: USB Data-Received Counter
- Port 97: Unknown
- Port 98: USB Write-Endpoint Type/Address
- Port 99: Unknown
- Port 9A: USB Read-Endpoint Type/Address
- Port 9B: Unknown
- Port 9C: Unknown
- Port 9D: Unknown
- Port 9E: Unknown
- Port 9F: Unknown
Information Taken from WikiTI:Ports By Address.